City Memory: New Haven, Connecticut
Welcome to the city of New Haven; a place where dreams are not created but instead every glimpse of even the slightest trace of success or gratification is swallowed up by the wide expanses of poverty and despair. A cloud of gloom shadows the city and continues to grow as time passes for more buildings become withered and begin to crumble just as the people that inhabit them. Paint is chipping off almost every sign, cars are coated in rust and putter as they morbidly move, and the front porch stoop seems to be the favorite and most popular gathering spot.
Along the dilapidated sidewalks caked with shards of glass, the solemn vagabond gazes emptily at his feet, afraid to meet the eyes of any person passing, knowing the shame and embarrassment that constitutes his life will be revealed through one simple glance. While one man struggles to endure the curse of destitution, elitist scholars earn their education to make a difference in the world at the prestigious Yale University. The ironies arise when one realizes that although within the campus walls these young people are living a life where to them anything is possible and any dream can be accomplished; those people outside these walls face struggles everyday and only dream of one day being able to free themselves of the poverty stricken plagues of the city by escaping and achieving happiness, a dream that to them is almost entirely impossible.
While during the day the city may seem oppressive; women merely the age of fifteen already pushing a stroller over the uneven sidewalks, the barren, desolate looks of the people that crowd the streets and store doorways; at night the streets become vacant. Dark, ominous shadows linger in the alleyways as the sound of frequent gunshots interlock with angry shrieks and swears and the cries of misery and hopelessness. To any outsider, no matter the time of day upon entering this somber place, one can immediately sense the depressed vibes that are projected from the city itself.
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