Street Art

For the past two summers, me and two friends of mine decided to try out some street art. We used chalk (to avoid vandalism issues) to make temporary murals that could be appreciated by a larger public gathering than just us. We used the sides of buildings, walls that lined streets and embankments under bridges as our canvases. Now they didn't always come out that well, but we always got a point across and more often than not someone would stop and ask us what we were doing. We got to have a few interesting conversations with people while also just having a good time.

Has anyone else ever done any type of street art? What were your motivations behind it// what do you think street artists motivation is?

The embedded picture was the image we produced most often, and the one pictured is about 9 feet tall and 15 feet wide or so. We would draw this image and have some sort of message assembled around it, most having to do with listening or music. We always drew an image and then followed up with a message related to the image.

Figured it would be worth sharing with the class.


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