Moe Moe

The recent demonstrations in Wall Street make me think of the demonstration led by Buddhist monks and nuns in Myanmar during 2007. In 2007, Myanmar experienced the major significant demonstration towards the authoritarian regime and the nation’s leader. Monks and Nuns marched to the nation’s holiest site known as the Shwe Dagon Pagoda. The government authorities tell the monks and nuns to go back to the monasteries but the monks and nuns sit down and chant prayers.  . Monks and Nuns lead demonstrations because the government announces that the state would double the price of consumer goods such as rice, petroleum and etc… Unfortunately, soldiers would beat up the monks, threw tear gas towards the crowd and destroyed and fired monasteries in the city. The event is considered significant because Myanmar is a very religious nation and it is hard to imagine the soldiers beating up the monks because monks are considered as the sacred figures in Myanmar society.

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