Urban Ethnography with Stickers

I know this is super late but I wanted to share it anyway. This was my sticker, for those who may not know, Ahimsa was something that Ghandi strongly believed in. Literally it means the avoidance of violence. You can read about it more on Wikipedia.

Anyways I added my sticker to a preexisting mural at the Occupy Boston encampment.
I wanted to remind everyone there of another movement that had been successful and the philosophy behind that movement. The story we heard a few weeks ago about the Occupy Wall Street march and the actions of the Police as well Naomi Klein's paper on the Reclaim the Streets movement reminded me that remaining calm and friendly in the face of adversity is very important for protestors if they don't want to get maced and/or arrested. Fighting fire with fire doesn't work, it only inflames public opinion against your cause. Attacking the police or other authority figures at demonstrations is basically the worst thing you can do. I wanted to remind the protesters at Occupy Boston of this.

-Ryan O'Connor

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