samantha levy sticker assignment

I chose to put the sticker on a heavily graffitied wall on tremont street west of parker street, behind an auto-garage. Next to the garage is a parking lot that appears to be open for public use, otherwise the space feels uninhabited and abandoned. The side and back of the garage are covered in graffiti, with most of the wall covered in large-scale images opposed to individual tags. One of the concepts we discussed in class that really appealed to me was the idea of graffiti as the language of the sub-culture. Tags and graffiti are the means through which members of the cub-culture communicate, and therefore their placement is extremely important. Among the display of giant images (one a giant hand reaching towards a skyline) and scattered tags, I saw a lone sticker, and chose this as the location to place mine--I didn’t want to interrupt the integrity of the other works of art without knowing the motivation or intentions behind them. Placing my sticker here plays on the communicative and secret nature of graffiti while reinforcing the idea that tags and symbols are not meant to be inclusive of the dominant culture, but rather represent a systematic way for members of the sub-culture to interact. 

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